Hearthstone coming soon on Android

Hearthstone coming soon on Android

Hearthtone was launched a few weeks on iPa agod and apparently, Blizzard does not want to leave it at that. We are still waiting for the Android version of the card game and today, Blizzard gives more accurately on the release of the app.

Indeed, Bhatti said that the output of Hearthstone on Android is one of its priorities. A simple port should suffice, the format is the same. Hearthstone should arrive on Android tablets within a few months. For Android smartphone and iPhoneoutput, should still wait a little bit, since Blizzard stated that it could happen at the end of the year. Indeed, it should be completely rethinking the interface to adapt it to the small screens.

At the same time, Blizzard announced that a version its game console is for the moment not in the program. Indeed, there is not a lot of interest to release the game on this platform at the moment and the decision will come of envy or non-players to play at Hearthstone on their PS4 or Xbox One .


Hearthstone coming soon on Android

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