Double Dragon Trilogy v1.2 APK HACK

Double Dragon Trilogy HACK

Double Dragon Trilogy v1.2 APK

tgG87tT.jpg (1024×500)
Double Dragon Trilogy - screenshot
Double Dragon Trilogy - screenshot

Enter Double Dragon Trilogy v1.2 APK HACK , a compilation optimized Double Dragon Trilogy v1.2 APK for mobile and includes three episodes of the popular games : Double Dragon Trilogy v1.2 : The Revenge , and Double Dragon 3: The Rosetta Stone. The first begins with Billy and his brother Jimmy , two martial arts experts in a mission to Billy's girlfriend , Marian, who was kidnapped by the Black Shadow gang to rescue. All your favorite moves  Double Dragon Trilogy v1.2 APK HACK are here: punches, kicks , elbows, knees , head butts and various unarmed - exactly - Road - legally.

Fight your way through the 3 tracks and bask in the size of one of the arcade years 80 popular games !

features: Double Dragon Trilogy v1.2 APK HACK
Two game modes : "Arcade" (the game from start to finish and go for the best result ) and " history" ( new stages and achievements to obtain , while in the game)
customizable controls
Three levels of difficulty : "mobile" ( specially balanced for mobile games ) , "home" (similar to the arcade version ) and "experts " ( a challenge! )
Achievements and leaderboards ( Google Play Game Service )
Choose between the tape 8 - bit original and remastered a completely new !
The Co - op ( two players ) via Bluetooth Double Dragon Trilogy v1.2 APK HACK
Gamepad support - compatible with most Android Controller
Requires Android O / S: 2.3.3 +

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